Around 1435, Rogier van der Weyden painted his supreme masterpiece,
the 'Descent from the Cross', for Leuven's Great Crossbowmen's Guild.
More than a century later, it was acquired by Mary of Hungary, regent of
the Netherlands. King Philip II then took the altarpiece to Spain. It is still
there today, in the Museo del Prado in Madrid.
For technical reasons, the work cannot be moved. So the Belgian video
artist Walter Verdin has brought it to life in 'Sliding Time',
an installation he produced especially for the
'Rogier van der Weyden 1400-1464 - Master of Passions' exhibition
In a slow, pulsating, repetitive movement, the ten human figures are
isolated from the work and then recede into the original composition.
It emerges that the 'Descent from the Cross', apparently the depiction of
a single event, is in fact a subtle conflation of different moments in time.
Sliding Time was created as a multi screen installation for the exhibition
'Rogier Van der Weyden 1400-1464 - Master of Passions' at M Leuven from 20-09-2009 to 06-12-2009.
The exhibition was a production of Artes.Leuven, an initiative of the city of Leuven,
the province of Flemish Brabant and the KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven),
in collaboration with M Leuven.
Sliding Time is based on the masterpiece The Descent from the Cross (Museo del Prado, Madrid).
credits of the installation:
reproduction of the painting: Johan Geleyns
technical coordination: Koen Bauwens
realisation: Fisheye (Gent)
production: Corban (now Videolepsia) for Artes.Leuven
thank you:
Jan Van der Stock, Lorne Campbell, Lien De Keukelaere, Veronique Vandekerchove,
Annelies Vogels, Caroline Dumalin, Anneleen Decraene, Wouter Heijlen, Catherine Reynolds,
Hans Schoeters, Patrick Vanbritsum, Erik Bulckens, Steve Habsch, Kevin Strauwen,
Vonneke Beeker, Karolien Derwael, Sonia Gasparini, Monodot (Brussel), Double Precision (Gent),
Museo del Prado (Madrid), STUK (Leuven) and everyone at Museum M (Leuven).
web site: bx]l[ab
Museo del Prado (painting), Johan Geleyns (reproduction),
Walter Verdin (installation and web site)
This web site is a rework of the original flash site, created on December 6th 2009
at the occasion of the finissage of the installation,
celebrating the last 7 minutes of Sliding Time.
in memory of Veronique Vandekerchove
Videolepsia/Walter Verdin © 2009-2022